Welcome to TWEC, The Workplace Engagement Coach website. If you are visiting this site, it is likely that you are aware of the difference it makes to your workplace when your staff is engaged. Would you like to find out how to become more productive by engaging your staff?
Research has consistently proven that engaged employees are happy employees, and happy employees are good for your business.
Once upon a time…
When President Bill Clinton visited NASA, the American Space Agency, he stopped to talk to a janitor cleaning the corridor. “Good morning, Sir” said Bill, “What is it that you do here at NASA?” And the janitor replied “I help send rockets to the moon.” A perfect example of an employee completely engaged and aligned with the vision of the company. Would you like your employees to be aligned with your business?
Mental well-being
An important aspect of engagement is employees’ mental well-being. No longer is Occupational Health and Safety only about trip hazards and accidents: looking after employees’ mental health has become equally important.
At TWEC we strongly believe in providing preventative mental care, to reduce the risk of employees reaching that point where they need to seek psychological care. Our ‘well-being at work’ training provides evidence-based tools to do just that, creating a more positive workplace culture in the process – win win!
Strengths-based approach
At TWEC, we use a strengths-based approach. Focusing on strengths is a concept borne from organisational psychology. Instead of looking at what is wrong, TWEC looks at what you already do really well (the strengths of your people and teams), and how you can leverage this. When people are able to do what they are already good at, and feel appreciated for their particular ‘super powers’, they feel good about being at work. It is recognising these strengths that can make all the difference.
Workplace Coaching
TWEC offers workplace coaching programs for both employees and executives. Members of our Executive Coaching team are Cambridge University trained, and affiliated with professional organisations such as the International Coach Federation (ICF). Sessions can be held face-to-face, over the phone or via video-conferencing to ensure that you get the best possible value.
Workshops and Focus Groups
All organisations benefit from workplace engagement, regardless of size and employee numbers. TWEC offers a range of engagement-focused services, from short workshops to coaching programs and focus-group facilitation.
Bespoke Programs
At TWEC, we specialise in tailoring our engagement programs to your business. Please contact us so we can work out which program bests suits your business, your vision and your budget.
Please visit our Training & Workshops page or our Coaching page for an overview of how we can serve your business.